Announcement : 


Our School Board

All of New Zealand’s state and state-integrated schools have a school board. The school board is the Crown entity responsible for the governance and control of the management of the school. ​ The board is the employer of all staff in the school, is responsible for setting the school’s strategic direction in consultation with parents, staff and students, and ensuring that its school provides a safe environment and quality education for all its students. Boards are also responsible for overseeing the management of personnel, curriculum, property, finance and administration.



Mrs Amanda Douglas (Principal), Mrs Sandra Cotcher (Minute Secretary) Mr Martin Ma
Mr Paul Wynyard (Presiding Member), Mrs Katie Le Vert, Mrs Anita Hedges, Ms Rebecca Hedges (Staff Representative)  
Absent: Mr Simon Keepa 
Board Members
Paul Wynyard (Presiding Member)
Simon Keepa
Katie LeVert
Kira Clark
Tom Beguely
Rebecca Hedges (Staff Representative)
Sandra Cotcher (Minute Secretary)
Our Vision
Achieving our potential with confidence, passion and integrity.
Meetings and communications The School Board usually meets twice each term. These meetings are advertised in the school newsletter. The meetings are public and everyone is most welcome to attend. The minutes of previous Board meetings are available to the public and can be found attached to this page (below) and at the school office.

Board newsletters are also available to view here (attached below).


If you wish to contact the Board on any matter regarding the governance of the school please contact the Presiding Member, Paul Wynyard by emailing:  Presiding Member – Chelsea Board of Trustees  

Annual Report for 2022 ​ ​A Ministry of Education requirement is for schools to submit an annual report. This includes a number of components, such as the school audited accounts. Below is a link the the Chelsea School Annual Report for 2022.

Annual Report for the Year Ended 31 December 2022.pdf

2024 Meeting Dates
  • Monday 05 August
  • Monday 09 September
  • Monday 04 November
  • Monday 02 December