Announcement : 



If you live within our school zone you have right of entry to enrol in our school. 
Download the Student Application Form – Application for Ballot for the 2025 Year .pdf
And email completed application form to
Enrolment Zone

Chelsea School’s Enrolment Zone

From the intersection of Waipa Street (2-50 included, even addresses only) and Kauri Road (included) the zone travels east, to the south of Waipa Street and continues eastwards, to the south of Mokoia Road (110-182 included, even addresses only) to Colonial Road (excluded). The zone travels south following Colonial Road to the coastline then travels north west along the coastline and back to the starting point.

All residential addresses on included sides of boundary roads and all no exit roads off included sides of boundary roads are included in the zone unless otherwise stated.

Application for enrolment – download here  –  Application for enrolment

If completing an enrolment application, could you please attach a copy of your child’s immunisation records along with their passport or birth certificate, if born in New Zealand and immigration details and arrival date into New Zealand if born overseas. For confirmation that you are living within our school zone, a copy of a utility bill showing your name and address is also required.

If you live in the home zone and have not yet signaled your intention to enrol your child for the 2025 year, please contact the school immediately to assist us to plan appropriately.

Out of Zone Enrolments

Enrolment at Chelsea School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details are available from the school office or email

Applications for ballot close Tuesday, 15 October 2024 (number of spaces available TBC)

If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held  Wednesday, 23 October 2024. 

Download a form hereApplication for Ballot for the 2025 Year .pdf

International Students

Chelsea School welcomes enrolment applications from International students and their families. We work hard to provide a supportive, happy and uniquely Kiwi educational experience for your child.

