Sports at Chelsea rely heavily on parents volunteering to become team coaches and managers. Without a volunteer to coach or manage a team, teams are unable to be registered to play.
Coaching is a very rewarding experience and does not require any prior experience or for you to have knowledge about the game itself.
There are a number of coaching initiatives to support anyone willing to give coaching a go which are held through the various sport institutions throughout the year.
For an overview of the expectations of managers and coaches please refer to the Role and Expectations of Managers and Coaches.
Culture Session
In the past few years we have introduced Culture sessions for each manager/coach to do with their team. This is a great way to find out why they want to play, what they want to learn and how they want to play together as a team. It is a way for the kids to set their own expectations of each other through a common team vision.
If you are a coach or manager undertaking a culture session the attachments below are designed to assist you in taking a culture session with your team.
If you have any ideas on how we can improve this process then please contact your sports team coordinator or Sven Cropp
How to run a culture session – How to run a Culture session document
Culture Session Template – Culture session document
Chelsea Primary Code of Conduct
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