The school uses ‘Hero’ as a real-time reporting platform to inform parents of learner progress and achievement in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
Progressions are used in Reading, Writing and Mathematics to set goals for learning. A learner may have up to three goals for each curriculum area at any one time. Teachers and learners can set goals and these are ‘greened’ (achieved) when evidence of achievement has been collected.
Goals are updated regularly and parents can view progress and achievement at any time by logging into ‘Hero’ and clicking on ‘Report’.
Each term, teachers will write one ‘Learning Story’ for each learner, that captures progress against goals, DNA and Values or something that shows growth and development in any area of schooling. We encourage our community to engage with these posts by commenting and discussing the stories with their children.
The ‘Learner Report’ can be printed off as a hard copy, and there is also a ‘time warp’ feature to capture their whole journey at school from year to year.
Conferences and Meetings
Throughout the year we have three scheduled events where Whānau have the opportunity to meet with teachers and discuss their child’s progress, and learning goals, and talk about how their child is going.
Whanaungatanga Day (Term 1)
All parents and whānau are invited into school just prior to the school year starting for ‘Whanaungatanga Day’. This day is about connecting with and sharing aspirations for learning and growth with teachers. The first two hours of the day is a casual ‘drop-in’ set up for families to familiarise themselves with new classrooms and teachers and also to start building a strong partnership for learning.
The remainder of the day is split into bookable slots for families who wish to meet with the teacher one-on-one.
Whanaungatanga Catch-Ups (Term 2)
The Whanaungatanga Catch-Up is a face-to-face sit-down between parents and teachers to discuss anything that is on top from a school or home perspective. This additional parent conference session came in response to feedback from a community survey indicating that whānau wanted a chance to connect directly with the teacher, without their child present.
Learner-Led Conferences (Term 3)
These teams run ‘Learner-Led Conferences’ at the beginning of Term 3. This is a chance to build on one of our key beliefs, ‘Learner Agency’. Our learners lead these sessions and have a framework to work through in order to share their successes, challenges and also pieces of learning that they are proud of. Teachers are actively involved but are not leading the sessions.
Kākano Team (Year 0/1)
Within the first 5 weeks of starting school, teachers in the Kākano Team complete a School Entry Assessment/5 Year Check. Teachers will then meet with parents to discuss findings and also about how each child is settling into school.
During the second half of the year, teachers will set up a time to meet for a second time, to discuss progress and development.
It is vitally important to us that we develop strong partnerships for learning. We welcome our whānau to connect with teachers throughout the year as any questions or queries arise. We all want the same things, happy, connected children, who are learning well!